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- "The Bo Xilai Trial Bolsters Judicial Reform" (in Chinese), Ta Kung Pao, 30 August 2013
- "Will Snowden's Extradition Trigger a US-China Dispute?" (in Chinese), Ta Kung Pao, 24 June 2013
- “The ‘Confused Topic’ of Act of State under the Hong Kong Basic Law”, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, vol. 1, 2013, pp. 84-111 (Abstract; Full Text in HTML; Full Text in PDF)
- "Auditing State Secrets in China", China Express, no. 3, December 2012
- “Phone Tapping Scandal and the Limits of Press Rights in the West”, Shanghai Morning Post, 21 July 2011, cited in "Mainland Media Join Murdoch Backlash", SCMP, 22 July 2011
- “America’s Real Intent in Its Involvement in the South China Sea”, Shanghai Morning Post, 5 July 2011
- “CFA’s Referral of Interpretation Tests Rule of Law at NPC”, Ming Pao Daily, 13 June 2011
- "Liu Xiaobo Case and the Freedom of Speech" [in Chinese], Ming Pao Daily, 30 December 2009
- "Kosovo Independence and the Cross-Strait Relationship" [in Chinese], Ming Pao Daily, 26 February 2008
- "Subject Matter Limitation on the NPCSC's Power to Interpret the Basic Law", Hong Kong Law Journal, vol. 37, 2007, pp. 619-46.
- A commentary on this article in Danny Gittings, "Hong Kong’s Courts Are Learning to Live with China", Hong Kong Journal, July 2010.
- "The Guo Bihua Case and Rendition of Fugitive Offenders between the Mainland and Macau" [in Chinese], in Yang and Rao (eds.), The Basic Law and Sustainable Development in the Macau SAR, 2007, pp. 123-9
- "Can Lai Changxing Be Extradited Back: Legal Issues in the Pursuit of Escaped Criminal Suspects" [in Chinese], Bauhinia, 2006, no. 7, pp. 60-61
- "A Case for Extraterritoriality", in Fu, et al., (eds.) National Security and Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong's Article 23 Under Scrutiny, 2005, pp. 399-426
- "Legal Education in Hong Kong: Ten Years after the Handover" [in English and Chinese], China Law, 2007, no. 3, pp. 57-59, 153-6
- "Anti-Secession Law in Dilemma" [in Chinese], Ming Pao Daily, 2 March 2006
- "Extraterritorial Legislative Power of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" [in Chinese], in Rao (ed.), High Like Mountains and Long Like Rivers: Collected Essays in Honour of Professor Wang Tieya, 2004, pp. 273-85
- "Anti-Secession Law Not Conducive to Peaceful Reunification", Ming Pao Daily, 23 December 2004
- "The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Limits of the Legislative Power of the National People's Congress" [in Chinese], Fazhi Luncong [Forum on Rule of Law], 2003, no. 1, pp. 9-18
- Contract Law in China, Sweet and Maxwell Asia, Hong Kong, 2002, 552 pages
- WTO Accession Procedure May Be Unconstitutional", Ming Pao Daily, 19 November 2001
- "Rule of Law in the Mainland Loses out in the Spy Cases", Ming Pao Daily, 11 August 2001
- "Can the Central Government Remove the Chief Executive Without Cause?", Ming Pao Daily, 13 June 2001
- "International Legal Analysis of the Aerial Collision Incident", Ming Pao Daily, 6 April 2001
- "The Proper Law for the Conflict between the Basic Law and Other Legislative Acts of the National People's Congress", in Chan, et al., (eds.), Hong Kong's Constitutional Debate -- Conflict over Interpretation, 2000, pp. 151-170.
- "Can Hong Kong Courts Review and Nullify Acts of the National People's Congress?", Hong Kong Law Journal, vol. 29, 1999, pp. 8-16
- Applicability of the PRC Criminal Law in Hong Kong and the Prospect of a Rendition Agreement between Hong Kong and the Mainland", Hong Kong Law Journal, vol. 29, 1999, pp. 393-421
- "Practising Falun Gong Violates No Law", Apple Daily, 26 July 1999
- "Embassy Is Not Chinese Territory", Apple Daily, 14 May 1999
- "Application of the PRC Criminal Law in Hong Kong", Hong Kong Lawyer, January 1999, pp. 15-17
- "The Haze over International Usage" [in Chinese], Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 1997, pp. 23-70
- "Civil Law", in Wang and Zhang (eds), Introduction to Chinese Law, 1997, pp. 169-233
- "Towards Contractual Justice in Common Law" [in Chinese], Zhongwai Faxue [Peking University Law Journal], no. 4, 1997, p.95
- "Contractual Justice and the Development of Hong Kong Contract Law" [in Chinese], Zhengzhi yu Falu [Political Science and Law], no. 3, 1997, pp. 27-28
- "International Protection of the Environment" [in Chinese], in Wang Tieya (ed), International Law, 1995, pp. 444-485
- "The Principle of Good Faith in Contract Law: Implication and Application" [in Chinese], in Wei and Wang (eds), Comparative Study of the Legal Systems in Mainland China and Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 41-71
- Reconceptualising China's Contract Law -- The Problem of Interpretation of Contract", in Wang and Wei (eds), Legal Developments in China: Market Economy and Law, 1996, pp. 235-245
- "Certain Legal Issues Relating to Developing Countries and Ozone Layer Protection", in Zhou (ed.), Peace, Justice and Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Wang Tieya on His Eightieth Birthday, 1993, pp. 388-417
- "Developing Countries and Ozone Layer Protection: Issues, Principles and Implica?tions", Tulane Environmental Law Journal, vol. 6, 1992, pp. 91-126
- A commentary on the article in Victor Williams, "Ozone Depletion, Developing Countries, and Human Rights: Seeking Better Ground on which to Fight for Protection of the Ozone Layer", Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law, vol. 10, 1994, pp. 83-111
- "Abuse of Diplomatic Immunities and Legal Remedies of the Receiving State" [in Chinese], Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 1991, pp. 334-352
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